Your order is considered an international order since we are based in USA. Typically, international orders are shipped within 1-3 days of your purchase and generally arrive within 2-4 weeks of shipping. Please keep in mind that these orders must clear customs in your country, which may sometimes cause additional delays. Once your order leaves our warehouse in Mumbai, it might experience shipping delays beyond our control. To track your order or get an estimated delivery date, we recommend contacting the carrier directly.

Currently, we do not offer free returns for overseas customers. You will be responsible for covering all return shipping costs. It’s advisable to label your package as ‘returned goods’ to prevent further duties. Please note that we strongly recommend using a registered, trackable service to return items and retaining proof of postage since we cannot accept responsibility for items that do not reach us.

Regrettably, we do not provide refunds on returns. Instead, we offer store credit that can be used to repurchase the same or another product of your choice. We will only issue refunds in cases where it’s our fault, such as sending the wrong product or missing items. To request a refund in such cases, please reach out to us at https://www.joyjoyce.com/​ with the necessary proof.

All the photos in our store are real. The photos you see are the same as the actual goods you receive. Please rest assured to buy.

Your order might have been lost The delivery details were incorrect when you placed your order, so it was returned to us The courier attempted to deliver your order multiple times but were unsuccessful, so it was returned to us. If the order was lost during transit, you will be entitled to a replacement or full refund. An order can only be classified as lost if it has not been delivered after 30 business days. If the order was not received due to customer error (i.e incorrect details/courier unable to deliver to given address) then the customer is responsible for paying for postage again. Once the order is received back and second postage is paid for, we can resend your order. If the customer no longer wants the order then a refund, minus shipping and a 15% restocking & admin fee, will be issued once the order is back with us.

Yes, all the products in this store are original and authentic. We reject counterfeit and shoddy products. We promise that all the products you receive are original and authentic.

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